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id3as' Dom罗宾逊 and 帮助我流媒体的蒂姆·西格林 Talk 流媒体绿化

蒂姆Siglin: Welcome to our final interview for 流媒体 East 2022 here in Boston. I've got with me Dom罗宾逊, who has a shirt on that says id3as [http://id3as.com]. That is his company, but we're actually gonna talk about something else today. Dom and I wrote an article called The 流媒体绿化 [http://m87y.hbwendu.org/Articles/Editorial/Featured-Articles/The-Greening-of-Streaming-140965.aspx]. 在那篇文章中, Eric asked us to take a look at the efficiencies as we talked about pricing performance before. 由此引发了一场运动 流媒体绿化. 所以,让我们简单回顾一下流媒体的绿色之旅.

Dom罗宾逊: 所以我们写了一篇文章《百家乐软件》. 我觉得这个名字很吸引人, 已注册域名, 在域名后面加上一个电子邮件, 然后在本周之前的最后四次虚拟内容交付峰会上——我参与了流媒体的运营——我们开始了与行业的对话,询问人们对可持续性问题的看法, in terms of the energy we are using within all the technologies that we're streaming with.

蒂姆·西格林:事实上, 插话一下, 我回去看了一部分 在CDS的炉边聊天. 最后, you said to people tell us what you know about greening and power efficiency, 因为我们对上面的语言有点幼稚. 很明显, one of the things that we've had to do is figure out what the language is around around that.

Dom罗宾逊: 当然, 当我们做研究的时候, 对报告的估计, 它们到处乱窜, 的术语, 每帧是多少?, 每小时碳的千克数, really different to come to any consensus about what anyone in the industry was talking about. 事实上, 直到我们开始问问题, 每个人都说, “我不知道, 这是财务总监的决定. 他买了绿色的电子.然后它就被留在了那里. 所以一旦我们开始谈话, 这些更大的公司——Akamai和英特尔脱颖而出——走出去,真正开始深入研究他们的可持续发展故事. And so by the second and third Content Delivery Summit, we were starting to get panels. 我们开始讨论了. One of the premises you mentioned a second ago that we put forward was this idea that, 特别是CDN行业花费了前10年, 15年来,它一直专注于价格. We forget that--we think it's all about performance because in the more recent decade it's all been about performance. But the first decade was all about making it affordable to you to get high-capacity content or high-data rate content.

蒂姆Siglin: 事实上, 如果你想拥有像我们今天这样的大批观众, 使用CDN服务的公司将会破产, 因为它付不起账单.

Dom罗宾逊: 完全. 所以我们花了十多年的时间专注于让它以可承受的价格运行这样你就可以推出人们会说, "Oh, 我没有我想要的质量." So then we spent another decade getting the quality to the point where it was good enough that the consumer opted in. 但是没有人考虑过能源效率. 所以在过去的两年里,关于cd的讨论已经开始了, 作为一个包罗万象的电子邮件群,Greeting of Streaming也在增长. And so we decided to proposition that community to come together to have a 全天在线活动 我们去年九月讨论过这个问题. 但随着这股势头的汇聚, we realized that there was going to be critical mass to create a trade association. 这就是我们的发布活动.

蒂姆Siglin: 除了语言部分, 哪个是第一工作组, 还有词汇, 我们还有其他几个工作组. 第二工作组, 你现在正在做的是把信息传递出去, 但是第三和第四工作组是什么?

Dom罗宾逊: 我来解释一下工作小组是什么, 基本上, 随着成员的形成和聚集, 这是俱乐部的第一条也是最重要的规则, 《百家乐app下载》并没有洗白. 所以,虽然在这个阶段没有真正正式的书面宪法,但在工作小组的背景下肯定会发生, 也许在整个绿色化过程中,这个绅士的协议是广泛的, 如果你愿意——没有绿色清洗已经很强大了. 我们现在正在进行同行评议,以确保我们的营销不会仅仅为了赢得竞争的可持续性而做出未经证实的声明, 当你从整体上看,这些都不是可持续的. 所以无论如何, 我们聚在一起,组成了第一和第二工作组, 这些都是机械的和基本的东西. 然后是最佳实践工作组, we couldn't really kick that off at first--the long-term aim is to share best practices amongst the community. But we couldn't kick off the best practices group, without knowing, if you like, where the needle is. That led to working group four, which is really the one that's got the legs on the whole thing.

目前,大多数人认为你使用的带宽和你使用的能量之间存在线性关系. And therefore there's this idea that if you save bandwidth, you are greener. And actually when you start to look at the whole thing with a system-wide view, you discover that actually you are provisioning everything for peak capacity most of the time, 如果不是所有的时间. 所以你是否发送数据并不重要. If you go from naught to 30 million users and back again, the system energy stays pretty level. 这是零假设. 没有人有真正的数据. So we've got some pretty interesting organizations that have joined up: AMD, Intel on one side on the sort of chip and fabric level; Akamai Ateme, Quortex, Broadpeak, 以及运营商网络清漆中的清漆. 还有Axello, Mainstreaming, Radiant, TNO, whititerrabbit和EBU. 这些家伙被广泛地部署在这些基础设施中, 我们对他们说, "Let's get some instrumentation going into the network where we're all agreed on the measure that they're taking. 让我们开始测量. 我们把这些加起来. 我们也不要给自己的作业打分. 如果我们那样做,就会有透明度问题.

所以我们首先请了英国的布里斯托尔大学(Bristol University)——我们也可能请其他人——帮我们批改作业. 他们的气候科学家, they have models which are extrapolated from lab tests and haven't until now had a lot of real-world data. So, 作为一个团队与他们一起工作, we can give them real-world data to increase the resolution of that 信息. And very early indications are that the null hypothesis has got some legs. 它正在改变讨论. 我们不能再说,“哦,我的编解码器更有效率一点.“你可能把问题推给了网络的另一部分. We need to take a system-wide view and make sure that we understand that before we make these marketing claims, 这无意中, 我认为, 但可能会误导人.

蒂姆Siglin: 完全. And June 8, we're also gonna be presenting it Parliament on this topic as well. 我们都专注于工程部分, 但我们必须从外联的角度记住这一点, 我们对英国议会也很感兴趣.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


这篇专栏并不是要让人沮丧, 尤其是因为整体经济似乎还在艰难前行. But it is meant to ask those of you in the industry to share anecdotes and stories about the pain points you're facing. 我们知道,流媒体中的任何东西都有其价格, but you are in a better position to help us fully understand what that price entails.


驱动和阻碍新兴编解码器在Netflix等付费OTT流媒体平台上部署的关键因素是什么, 迪斯尼, 和Apple TV+? 流媒体学习中心的Jan Ozer在流媒体东2023的演讲中提供了一个急需的编解码器部署现实检查.


从战争罪到战争罪法庭和战争纪念, 我们如何保证内容是可玩的?



id3as首席执行官Adrian Roe介绍了Norsk低码实时视频SDK

id3as的Adrian Roe与蒂姆Siglin坐在一起,在stream Media East 2023的采访中介绍了Norsk低代码实时视频SDK.


当涉及到减少流媒体功耗和为更环保的流媒体做预算时,总拥有成本是一个关键的考虑因素, Kibo121的芭芭拉·兰格, 帮助我流媒体的蒂姆·西格林, and Fortinet's John Jacobs discuss in this talk from 流媒体 West 2022.


Kibo121 Principal and CEO Barbara Lange discusses how to get media companies on the path to sustainability, 降低功耗, and become greener in this interview with 流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin at 流媒体 West 2022.


远不是稀缺的内容, 将流媒体整合到以专业和公民为基础的新闻采集中,产生了如此巨大的潜在战争罪行镜头,以至于每天都有10-100起反人类罪的记录案件. 这一增加的录像带来了更大的问责制和更多需要审判的积压案件.


What are the current innovations in reducing the carbon emissions and the carbon footprint of streaming? 流媒体学习中心的Jan Ozer向亚马逊网络服务的Kevin Yao和Facebook的David Ronca询问了他们的组织正在使用哪些创新和新技术来减少流媒体对环境的影响.


蒂姆·西格林回顾了他25年的写作生涯, 教练, and consultant in the streaming industry along with his professional partnership with Eric Schu­macher-Rasmussen.



Brightcove's Yuriy Reznik Talks 2022 Emmys and Context-Aware Recording



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Red5 Pro CEO Chris Allen discusses the growing market for ultra-low latency, 拍卖等应用程序中的交互式流媒体, 押注, 流媒体公司的蒂姆·西格林在流媒体东部2022年对视频会议和多云方法进行了采访.

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Panopto首席传道者Chris Knowlton在流媒体East 2022对流媒体的蒂姆Siglin的采访中讨论了使可搜索的培训内容按需提供的优势,以加强学生在现场演示中学习的内容.


挪威OTT视频CMS提供商Vimond的梅根·瓦格纳(Megan Wagoner)在stream Media East 2022上接受了流媒体的蒂姆·西格林(蒂姆Siglin)的采访,讨论了云广播的现状,以及疫情如何加速了向云的迁移.

Bulldog DM的John Petrocelli谈论流行病后的大规模流媒体

流媒体的蒂姆·西格林和Bulldog DM的约翰·彼得罗切利讨论了在过去的三年里,流媒体专业人士提供的直播活动发生了怎样的变化, 与他们互动的观众, and the brands that invest in them in this interview from 流媒体 East 2022.

CNN's Ben Ratner Talks Cloud and 雷米 Production at 流媒体 East 2022

